Tari kuda lumping
Tari kuda lumping

The research results were obtained in the form of descriptive data. While the data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, and interview techniques. The research method used by researchers is descriptive analysis research, with a qualitative approach. Sumandiyo Hadi (2007) whichdiscusses the existencs of dance. This study aims to determine the existence of Kuda Lumping Dance in Paguyuban Sekar Turonggo Mudo Kampar Regency, Riau Province. The problem raised in this study is how the existence of the Kuda Lumping Dance in the Sekar Turonggo Mudo Association of Kampar Regency, Riau Province. To maintain a culture, research is needed to develop and preserve the existing culture in Kampar Regency, especially in Pelambaian Village. Kuda Lumping dance which is found in society today is very easy to find its existence because there are many devotees. Javanese people are immigrants in Kampar Regency. Among the tribes in Kampar Regency, there are dominant tribes such as Javanese, Minang, Malay, Batak and Chinese. The people of Kampar Regency are a multicultural society, this can be seen from the composition of the population consisting of various ethnic groups.

Tari kuda lumping